Black Ankle Boots with Transparent Block Heels Worn by Shanola Hampton as Gabi Mosely

#232 Wardrobe Item - Found Season 1 Episode 3 (Timecode - H00M03S51)

2 thoughts on “Black Ankle Boots with Transparent Block Heels Worn by Shanola Hampton as Gabi Mosely

  • For a chic and contemporary look, pair the Black Ankle Boots with Transparent Block Heels, as seen on Shanola Hampton in ‘Found’, with slim-fitting jeans or a sleek midi skirt. These versatile boots can complement both casual and dressed-up outfits, making them perfect for a night out or a stylish daytime look. Add a fitted jacket or a statement top to complete the ensemble and highlight the unique heel design.

  • Gabi Mosely’s black ankle boots with transparent block heels in “Found” straddle the line between strength and vulnerability. The solid black leather whispers resilience and power, while the transparent heels reflect clarity and truth. Together, they symbolize Gabi’s journey—grounded in reality yet embracing the ethereal, walking a path where every step reveals hidden layers of her mission and soul.

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