Rustic Autumn Floral Long Sleeve Shirt Worn by Juliana Aidén Martinez as June Hawkins in "Griselda"

Hey, fabric fanatics! June Hawkins, played by actress Juliana Aidén Martinez, is seen wearing rustic autumn floral long sleeve shirt in the Griselda TV Show.

rustic autumn floral long sleeve shirt - Juliana Aidén Martinez (June Hawkins) - Griselda TV Show
Griselda (TV Mini Series 2024) - Episode 3 (Fashion Moment Timestamp - H00M52S46)

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One thought on “Rustic Autumn Floral Long Sleeve Shirt Worn by Juliana Aidén Martinez as June Hawkins

  1. Channel the cozy, rustic charm of autumn with a long sleeve floral shirt like the one Juliana Aidén Martinez wore as June Hawkins in “Griselda.” Pair it with high-waisted jeans and ankle boots for a casual outing, or tuck it into a corduroy skirt with knee-high boots for a more polished look. Layer with a chunky knit cardigan or a denim jacket to complete your stylish, seasonal ensemble. This versatile piece seamlessly transitions from day to night, making it a must-have for

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