Sunglasses Worn by Boyd Holbrook as Clement Mansel, aka The Oklahoma Wildman in "Justified: City Primeval"

Hey, chic creators! Clement Mansel, aka The Oklahoma Wildman, played by actor Boyd Holbrook, is seen wearing sunglasses in the Justified: City Primeval TV Show.

sunglasses - Boyd Holbrook (Clement Mansel, aka The Oklahoma Wildman) - Justified: City Primeval TV Show
#276 – Justified – City Primeval – Episode 1 (Timecode – H00M04S35)

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One thought on “Sunglasses Worn by Boyd Holbrook as Clement Mansel, aka The Oklahoma Wildman

  1. To emulate Boyd Holbrook’s stylish look as Clement Mansel in ‘Justified: City Primeval’, pair similar sunglasses with a rugged leather jacket and dark jeans for a cool, modern vibe. Add a simple white tee for contrast and black boots to complete the ensemble. Perfect for casual outings or as a statement piece at social events, these sunglasses can elevate your style effortlessly. Make sure they fit well to maintain that slick, confident look.

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