Vintage Inspired Iconic Black Sunglasses Worn by Giancarlo Esposito as Gracián "Gray" Parish in "Parish"

Greetings, fashionistas! Gracián "Gray" Parish, played by actor Giancarlo Esposito, is seen wearing vintage inspired iconic black sunglasses in the Parish TV Show.

vintage inspired iconic black sunglasses - Giancarlo Esposito (Gracián "Gray" Parish) - Parish TV Show
Parish (TV Series 2024) Season 1 Episode 1 (Fashion Moment Timestamp - H00M28S19)

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One thought on “Vintage Inspired Iconic Black Sunglasses Worn by Giancarlo Esposito as Gracián "Gray" Parish

  1. Elevate your style effortlessly by pairing vintage-inspired, iconic black sunglasses, similar to those worn by Giancarlo Esposito in “Parish,” with a sleek leather jacket and a crisp white tee for a timeless look. For a more casual vibe, swap the leather for a denim jacket and add distressed jeans. These versatile sunglasses also complement tailored suits, providing a sophisticated edge to your formal attire. The key is to allow these classic shades to be the focal point while keeping the rest of your outfit minimal

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