Wrist Watch Worn by Timothy Olyphant as Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens in "Justified: City Primeval"

Hey, style scholars! Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, played by actor Timothy Olyphant, is seen wearing wrist watch in the Justified: City Primeval TV Show.

wrist watch - Timothy Olyphant (Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens) - Justified: City Primeval TV Show
#553 – Justified – City Primeval – Episode 2 (Timecode – H00M09S12)

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One thought on “Wrist Watch Worn by Timothy Olyphant as Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens

  1. To channel the stylish essence of Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens from ‘Justified: City Primeval,’ wear a classic wristwatch with a leather strap. This accessory pairs perfectly with a casual button-down shirt, jeans, and a blazer. For a more rugged look, combine it with a plaid shirt and cowboy boots. This versatile watch adds a touch of sophistication, making it suitable for both casual and semi-formal outfits.

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